I am going to show you step-by-step how you can easily make $100 from CashCrate in a month with less than an hour a days work. This can all be done while sitting on the couch watching TV or while killing time at work. Best of all you can do this without spending a dime with just a few clicks of the mouse.
The first step to success is just signing up! Follow my link to CashCrate and enter your email address and password. Then activate your account by clicking the link in the email sent to you. You have just earned $1. It is that simple!
Now that you are signed up take a few minutes to explore CashCrate. If you would like an overview on the different ways to earn money check out the HowTo section and watch the tutorial. You will notice there are five main ways to earn money with this site; Offers, Surveys, Videos, Shopping, Referrals. We will be focusing on the first three on our way to $100 in the first month with CashCrate.
___________________________________________________________________________________Step 1
CashCrate pays a bonus $0.03 each day you check-in to the site. Simple log-in and click on the green CHECK-IN button and click the ad to be credited. Note you do not have to complete any offers. If you do this every day of the month you will earn an extra $0.50. In a 30 day month that comes out to $0.90+$0.50=$1.40. With your $1 sign-up we are now up to $2.40 and we are just getting started.
Step 2
Download the CashCrate Toolbar
You can complete 10 paid searches a day or 300 in a month. At $0.50 for 25 searches you can make an extra $6.00 a month just by using the internet. CashCrate tracks your results so make sure you are making legit searches and not just randomly typing in letters to meet the requirements.
Step 3
CashCrate offers daily surveys that pay from $0.50-$0.80. The number of surveys you have available depends on your region of the country but usually range from 5-8. I have 8 to choose from that pay a total of $5.70 if all were competed. These surveys typically take 10-20 minutes to complete. Make sure you qualify and get to the 'Thank You' or 'Congratulations' type screen to receive credit. Complete two surveys a day, taking about 30 mins, for an average of $1.50 times 30 days = $45. Remember if you were able to complete all 8 surveys for 30 days your total would be $171.
Step 4
Now it is time to complete a few offers. We will start with the 100% Free offers and work from there. I recommend setting up another email account for the spam emails you will receive from joining different programs. You can do this for free at many sites like gmail, yahoo, or hotmail. Below are a list of offers that approved for me nearly instantly that only took 30-60 seconds to sign up for. Most only need an email address but a few others ask for additional information like your name and address.
MyDailyMoment.com | $0.20 |
Ice Cream Sundae | $0.25 |
Trip Advisor | $0.10 |
Heartburn Relief | $0.45 |
Free Grocery Coupons | $0.30 |
Better Homes and Garden | $0.25 |
CoolSavings | $0.30 |
CheapFlights.com | $0.05 |
Welch's Fruit Snack Samples | $0.40 |
Free Lotto | $0.20 |
Daily Jokes | $0.15 |
Spring Samples | $0.50 |
CheapFlights.com | $0.04 |
Jokes Post | $0.15 |
Tide Sample | $0.40 |
Free Samples | $0.40 |
Badoo | $0.40 |
Movie Extras | $0.30 |
Offers like this are constantly being added so you shouldn't run out any time soon. To insure confirmation it is recommended that you clear your cookies before each offer. Spend five minutes and complete an average of $0.50 a day for a total of $15.00 a month.
Step 5
Join survey sites that are still 100% free. Simple register for a membership, confirm your email, and complete one survey. Many times this can merely be the introduction survey that just involves filling basic information about yourself. These surveys pay $0.50-$2.00 dollars. Complete the following for an additional $12.50.

$2.00 $0.75 $0.75 $0.75
Reward TV
Harris Poll Online $1.00
Global Test Market
Opinion Outpost
Other Simple Free Offers to Join
Mint.com $1.50
UPromise $1.00
Avis $1.00
Join these sites all at once or spread them out through out the month. They only take minutes to join and fulfill the requirements.
Step 6
Trial offers are a great way to earn cash in a hurry. You get paid to sample products or try services you may have already been interested in anyway. If you notice these offers have a red dollar sign icon next to them which indicates a credit card is required to complete the offer. Don't be scared off by this. These offers have a much higher payout and almost always cover your initial fee. For many if you cancel within the allotted time allowed you will not be charged at all. Below are a list of offers and an explanation of how you profit from them.
Netflix - Sign up for Netflix for a 30 day trial period. As long as you cancel within that time you will not be charged at all. Total payout: $6.00
Profinity Credit Score - Sign up for a 30 day trial and get unlimited access to your credit score. Cancel within the time limit and you will not be charged. Total payout: $13.00
Bonus Offers - These offers cost to join
Blockbuster - Sign up for the cheapest plan at $4.99/month and cancel before the next months charge. Total payout: $7.50-$4.99 = $2.51
GameFly - Sign up for the cheapest plan at $5.95/month and cancel before the next months charge. Total payout: $7.00-$5.95 = $1.05. This might work for the one month free trial as well but I'm not sure on that.
GreatFun - Enroll for only $1.00 for the first month and get great deals on movie tickets, restuarants and shopping. Cancel within the first month and you will not be charged again. Total payout: $12.00-$1.00 = $11.00
Final Total
Step 1 - $1.00 sign-up + $1.40 check-in = $2.40
Step 2 - CashCrate Toolbar + Search = $7.00
Step 3 - Two surveys a day = $45.00 (Up to $171)
Step 4 - Small offers only needing email address = $15.00 (Unlimited potential)
Step 5 - Survey/Membership sites = $12.50 (Unlimited potential)
Step 6 - Netflix & Profinity Trial Offers = $19.00 (Bonus offers add $14.56)
Further Reading
Take the CashCrate Challenge
CashCrate is NOT a Scam (Proof of Check)Take the CashCrate Challenge
Cash in with CashCrate
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